3 Tips for Getting Hired When You’re Over 40


The fact is that the age discrimination is already taking place ahead for many professionals in their late forties. Several research authorities determine an “older employee” as someone who is 45 years and older, which might have something to do with the fact that millennials exceeded generation X as the biggest workforce generation from the past couple of years.

Older employees are looked as being far less flexible when compared to younger employees and many employers believe that older employees don’t have much technological competence. Older employees are also seen as expensive in terms of salary and health costs. Job seekers in their early forties itself have to fight against many negative stereotypes in order to get a job.

In order to keep yourself away from that age discriminating factor, you need to start building career strategies that overcome such damaging myths that abound about them. Don’t give employers the chance to indulge in false and negative stereotypes about you.

Here are a few tips to open your career doors:

1) Technophobe Myth

Show your prospective employers that you are turned as a tech savvy person. How?

Well, you could start a blog, learn several technologies, and engage yourself with professional networking platforms such as Universalhunt.com, which will quickly show employers that you are a tech savvy who basks in the light of technology.

2) Show them You aren’t Stuck in Your Ways

Older employees are usually unfairly seen as being “stuck in their ways.” Many employers think they have no interest in learning new tools or ways of doing things.

You can counteract this myth by explaining to prospective employers that you’re open to improvements in the world around you. Utilize social media, travel frequently, and get artistic when handling challenges at work. All of these elements will show employers that you are staying up with the times and not scared to step outside of your comfort zone.

3) Show that Your Experience Can Make a Difference

One big advantage you have over younger employees is your experience. Just saying is not enough, you need to prove that your experience can make a difference by identifying challenging situations that the employers may face in the future and showing them how your expertise makes you a better person to handle such situations. You can draw from your career history to show a few examples of times when your expertise had really benefited your ex-employer or ex-company.

With these hacks, you can prove them that employees over 40 are just as good as millennials.

No matter what your age is, Universalhunt.com, a global professional networking and career platform provides career opportunities for aspiring professionals who want to make their career across all levels and sectors. Visit our website to uncover the career pathways: www.universalhunt.com.

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