Lessie Rodriquez

PR manager at maxhomework

Austin,Texas,United States | Education / Training


When you want to eat, do you go and get some food or do you sit around waiting until you've almost starved to death before you get up and attempt to use what little energy you have left to prepare something to eat? I think it's safe to say that in most cases, we attend to our hunger needs sooner rather than later.

This is because we have a desire (a life or death one) to eat. The desire is so strong that we have no other choice BUT to partake in the action required to make the desire happen, even if we don't feel like getting up off the couch to cook, or getting in the car to go and pick up a meal. But we still do it; we still go to this effort because we know the rewards are worth it.

If you can apply this same unconscious desire and call to action to your life goals, you are well on the way to achieving them. We all have desires, but how many people have a strong enough desire to push them into action? If you want spend more time on your career, but your studying and homework interfere you, just write me something like i need help writing a essay for college and I will help you. You will save your time and achive goals.

Once you have settled on a strong, definite desire in life you can begin to take action in achieving that goal.

Napoleon Hill in his excellent series The Law of Success repeated over and over again the need for everyone to have a 'definite chief aim' in life. It is this aim that will manifest itself into action once your heart and mind is truly set on it.

Everyone wants something. Some people want a lot of things. These need not be superficial objects. It can be anything from love, to a career to a dream of becoming President. These are all desires, along with those of monetary value such as purchasing a new home or car.

A desire or goal should be something you are very passionate about. For example, desiring to have enough money to be able to stay home to look after your children is certainly a very strong, almost instinctive desire. We want to be there for our kids, but also see the need to go out to work and earn money. We know some people have the 'luck' and 'luxury' of working from home, but too often this is all put down to them just being lucky.

What if your desire was so strong that you would do anything in your power to earn a living from home so you could be with your children?

You may have a large goal or desire in life, and you may also have some smaller ones. Your small goals are like checkpoints - achieve each small goal on the road to your definite chief aim. By achieving the small goals, you confirm to yourself that you CAN achieve your true desire as you won't become complacent and dejected as can often be the case when a desire seems so far away.

If you absolutely wanted that to happen, you would think about it everyday. Once this thought becomes a part of your subconscious, you will begin to manifest ways and means of acquiring this goal. That is where the true power of desire comes into play!

After you have embedded in your mind this ultimate desire, write it down. Then as thoughts come to you, write down methods of reaching your goal. These might be tiny things, but write them down anyway. Any idea can be a winning idea and you don't want to forget any of them.

A strong desire for something can lead us to achieve seemingly superhuman feats. Embed yourself with thoughts of your goals and desires, and watch as your mind and body take control and helps you put your thoughts into meaningful actions that will assist you in achieving your definite chief aim in life.

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