Partha Pratim Gangopadhyay

Asst. General Manager ( Resigned) at ARC Property Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Hyderabad,India | Facility Management

Served Indian Air Force as Airman in Technical Branch and then as Commissioned Officer in Administration to handle Defence and Civil Admin , Education branch and Procurement. I worked in civil arena since 2000 and supported sales growth to SRF Ltd. and Shoppers Stop Ltd. Then joined Johnson Controls and became Regional Head to make big growth of Organization and ended my career with 900 Employees,
Started my new business and have been working in Assam , Bihar , Orissa , West Bengal . I sold my Company then and arrived in Hyderabad to learn the business strategy of the area and feel that I can improve in my career much better than earlier places. I like to use my experiences and skills and can definitely bring big win for an Organization provided the same is ethically strong and maintain proper statutory processes. I believe in Self - Reliance and can not work in an environment of cheating and fraudulence. I need opportunity to prove my caliber and assure any Organization a great success . It is not mandatory to be master in every subject but with the help of team building and giving adequate training depending on Organizational goals oriented arrangements along with best business practices I can make any Organization SUCCESSFUL.

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